



The news said "Lawson, one of Japanese convenience stores, have updated the packet of their foods again".

There used to be a picture of the food on them, but it has changed into only the name of the food.
Many customers have complained that they sometimes buy the wrong food because the looks are very similar.

Two girls were interviewed in this article and said "変更はいいと思いますよ。たまに「やったな」ってときあるもんね"

Have you ever heard of "やったな"?

In this case, she said "I accidentally wrong one sometimes".

Actually, This phrase has a different meaning.

For instance,

A: I passed the university entrance exam.(大学受験に合格したよ)
B: You did it! (やったな!)

*making a pyramid with cards*
Someone broken it on purpose
You can say to the person "やったな...".