



本日、ユーチューブでも大人気のニック・ウィリアムソンさんの 「英会話は直訳をやめるとうまくいく」 の発売日だったので早速本屋で見てきました。 英会話は直訳をやめるとうまくいく![音声DL付] 作者:ニック・ウィリアムソン アルク Amazon 読んだ感想は…


Have you heard of this word "マジック"?マジック has two meanings in Japanese.One is "magic" and the other is "a permanent marker".Most Japanese people use this as a general term for a permanent marker.Actually, this topic is similar to the…



What time? or when ? on twitter.<Is Japanese really difficult? (Part.48)>I came across an interesting Japanese word "何時" on a website.The website explains someone's twitter post.This is the dialogue.A: 沖縄行かない?B: あり。何時?Something felt wrong about the word "何時" becau</is>…


Are you familiar with the Japanese-language expression "よそう(yosou)"? It is a basic Japanese word.(1)予想(よそう)=an expectation/a prediction.(2)ご飯をよそう=To put rice into a bowl.(3)会うのは、よそう=Let's not see somebody (Additio…


I've been swamped with work for two weeks.That made me work late and get home around midnight, so I took a taxi three times in two weeks.I used to catch a taxi easily near my company.There is a place where taxies are available. It's not a …


I read an interesting article/manga on a website yesterday.A husband, who is from France and can speak Japanese, asks his Japanese wife to send him a picture she took yesterday.She said "はっ!ただいま" with a saluting emoji.He was confuse…


First of all, do you know what these words "朝(asa)" ,"昼(hiru)" ,"夕方(yuugata)", "夜,晩(yoru,ban)" and "夜中(yonaka)" mean?(A)朝 means the period of time from 4 a.m to 10 a.m.(B)昼 means the period of time from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.(C)夕方 …


Who got a shot?/注射をうつCovid-19 vaccine are now available by appointment in my area.How about you?We often use this phrase "注射(ちゅうしゃ)をうつ" .It literally means "you give someone an injection", but almost everyone uses it in a …


”となりの駅” means "a next station". I sometime use this phrase, but I think it might be a strange phrase.Here, there are three stations A, B and C.(A⇔B⇔C)If I was at/in/around the A station, となりの駅 means B station.I sometimes use the …


“To wither” has many faces in Japanese. 散る、こぼれる、落ちる、しぼむ、崩れる、舞うThese Japanese words mean “to wither”, it depends on the flower though.There are a lot of expressions :-0Many people who study Japanese have already have k…


つづ, A Tsugaru Dialect word, with many meanings.I haven't heard ofつづand it's Tsugaru Dialect, so I've never said it before.つづ means soil, governor, cheese, a pipe, father and milk/breast.I listened to the pronunciation on a video, but…


Two YouTubers were talking about Japanese and English on YouTube yesterday.One is from Japan and the other is from America.They can speak Japanese and English fluently.The Japanese person said "there is an interesting phrase, という訳で/と…


The news said "Lawson, one of Japanese convenience stores, have updated the packet of their foods again".There used to be a picture of the food on them, but it has changed into only the name of the food.Many customers have complained that …


How to Use "~し始める"し始める = To start doing something.読み始めた, 泳ぎ始めた, 歩き始めた...etc私は、4歳の時から新聞を読み始めた=I started reading a paper when I was four years old.Do not say "~して始める".It means "to do and start d…


The difference between 仕事, 会社, 職場 and仕事場Each word represents "a job", "a company" or "a place where you work".(A): I go to work=(A-1) 仕事に/へ行きます。(A-2) 会社に/へ行きます。(A-3) 職場/仕事場に/へ行きます。These three phrases …

(36)~した。と ~していた。

~した/~していた (on the moutain)徐々に暖かくなってきたので、着たジャケットを脱いだ。It means "I took off the jacket that I put on right now/a second/minutes ago because it was getting warmer and warmer".I corrected "着た" into "着てい…


スーパーマーケット/デパート/ホームセンター/服屋...etc:営業時間病院:診察(しんさつ)時間, 診療(しんりょう)時間, 受付時間、面会時間区役所/市役所:業務時間図書館:開館時間/閉館時間Have you ever heard of words like 営業時間, 診療時間...etc…


(傘を差す/傘で刺す/傘を開く)(A) 傘を差す(かさをさす)= To open/use an umbrella(B) 傘で刺す(かさでさす)= To stab someone with an umbrellaWhen it starts raining, you can say "傘を差す".Do not say "傘で刺す". lolIf you said "傘で刺して" …


We say "天気は晴れ/曇り/雨/です。", but we never say "天気は21℃です。".Use the phrase "気温は/が"気温は、21℃です。I added the following sentence on August 5 2022.We never say "天気は暑い/寒い or 気温は暑い/寒い", we say "今日は暑い/寒い


I Can't Make up Mind whether to Correct sentences you Wrote.


することが欲しい Here, there are two examples.Can you correct these into good Japanese?When I read these Japanese sentences, I feel that you don't have the ability to buy(2-1)/walk(2-2) now".(2-1) 私は、この本を買うことが欲しい。→What you …


(この投稿は、友達に確認して欲しいことがあったので投稿したものです) https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4791622456/ デイヴィッド・セイン - Wikipedia


The Same Error "1週間知り合っています"(A)私は、彼と1週間知り合っています。(B)私は、彼女と5年間しか知り合っていません。I'd write it the following way.(A)私は、彼と知り合って1週間です。or 彼と1週間前に知り合いました。(B)私は、彼女と知り…


What Will it Change into? (~になります)A lot of Japanese use this phrase 「~になります」 and I think you might hear it in restaurants, stores or shops.「こちら、ご注文のうどん/品物になります。」It's actually incorrect.「~になります」me…


英文法 <BASIC GRAMMAR IN USE> 洋書版の英文法の中では定番中の定番ですね。 こちらはアメリカ英語版の初級編です。 購入の際には「e-book有り無し」や「問題の解答有り無し」 のバージョンがあるのでご注意ください。 高校の英語がわかる方なら、読める…


現在までに購入したことのある英単語帳・英熟語の本を紹介してみたいと思います。 英単語 <データベース3000> 私が所有しているのは第5版なので、その内容です。 基礎的な英単語を覚えたいと思い購入しました。 3000という数字ですが、3000語載っているわ…


Salty is SpicyWe say Salty "塩辛い" in Japanese.Almost everyone from the Kansai region says 辛い(からい)without 塩. I know this because I'm from Osaka.In the Kanto region, It is said that people say ”しょっぱい”.(I've never said the phr…


Repeat The word And Use The Sentence.I've been thinking that a lot of lang-8 members can write in Japanese fluently when I read your post, but when some people don't tend to use the same word and they use a wrong word like this.私は、お店…


Where dose "色々(いろいろ)" go? I sometimes see this phrase "色々があります" on this site.It literally means "many types/sorts/kinds of, various or a variety of " is here/there.Don't use this phrase "色々が/色々を/色々にあります".You hav…