




つづ, A Tsugaru Dialect word, with many meanings.I haven't heard ofつづand it's Tsugaru Dialect, so I've never said it before.つづ means soil, governor, cheese, a pipe, father and milk/breast.I listened to the pronunciation on a video, but…


I Can't Make up Mind whether to Correct sentences you Wrote.

(25)年 / 月 / 日 / 時間 / 分 / 秒と 以上 / 以内 / 前 / 後 / 前後

How To Use These Words 年/月/分/秒 with 以上/以内/前/後/前後First, let me explain these symbols "✔", "×" and "△".✔ means "correct".× means "incorrect" or "hardly used".△ means "it depends on the person/the phrase" or "I don't know if it's …


この記事は、日本語で書かせてもらいます。 新しく出たパソコンでは、「アプリ」という単語をよく 目にしますが、未だにパソコン上で聞く「アプリ」という 言葉には違和感しかありません。 なので「アプリを開く」という文字を見ても 何を開くのだろう?と考…


What would you do?I'm sorry it's such a long entry.I'm thinking about whether I should correct these sentences or not.I'll show you four examples.<A-1>: 日本の首都は東京です。(Tokyo is the capital of Japan.)<A-2>: 日本の首都は大阪です。(Osaka is the</a-2></a-1>…


Have you seen these phrases anywhere?(1)清掃中(せいそうちゅう)です。ご協力お願いします。(2)コイの餌1(えさ)0円。(3)嘘(うそ)をつけ/馬鹿(ばか)をいうな。I came across an interesting article on a website yesterday.In Japan, (1) and (2) us…


Your character depends on the first person pronoun in Japanese.I think that it's difficult for people learning Japanese to express themselves in Japanese.I often watch videos and YouTube with Japanese subtitles.I watched a video made by tw…


I sometimes get to read some Japanese senteces that people from different countries write. I'm Japanese, but sometimes it's difficult for me to correct Japanese that people from different countries wrote and I'm not sure if I should correc…