



I sometimes get to read some Japanese senteces that people from different countries write.


I'm Japanese, but sometimes it's difficult for me to correct Japanese that people from different countries wrote and I'm not sure if I should correct it or not.


They sometime post dialogue text in Japanese and give me two or three pieces of information about the characters like this.↓





(A-1) 太郎:おはよう、けい子。元気ですか?



These sentences are a part of entry.

These sentences are good.

I wouldn't correct them until A-3, but while I read the rest, I get another information, like Taro is the CEO and Keiko is a employee.


When I read the information, It makes me to change my mind, because I wouldn't say "おはよう" and 太郎(the first name) to the president(at A-2) and wouldn't say "うん" at A-3.

I would say "おはようございます".

Actually, that's a tough one, because if Taroさん and けい子さん have been friends for a long time, my opinion might be wrong.



I'll tell you another example.








I'm not sure if I should correct 僕 at B-2 or not, because けい子 is a girl/woman.

In Japan, hardly any Japanese girl/woman would use "僕", but some characters in anime use it. If you post this as an anime, I wouldn't correct it, but if you post it as real life, I would correct it.



What I want to say is:

When you write an entry like these, please give me as much information as you can.


I want to know the characters' age, gender, friendship status, etc.

human being?, characters in anime? story? or fairy tale?


My corrections depend on the situation.