


(25)年 / 月 / 日 / 時間 / 分 / 秒と 以上 / 以内 / 前 / 後 / 前後

How To Use These Words 年/月/分/秒 with 以上/以内/前/後/前後

First, let me explain these symbols "✔", "×" and "△".

✔ means "correct".
× means "incorrect" or "hardly used".
△ means "it depends on the person/the phrase" or "I don't know if it's correct or not."
Don't get me wrong.
The meaning of △ in Japanese is slight different than the mention above.
If you take a math/Japanese test in Japan, you might see a triangle drawn the paper.
For example
In Math test, it (△) means that the process is good, but the answer is wrong.
In Japanese test: When the question says "Write the answer in Kanji", but you write it in hiragana, a teacher might draw a triangle on your answer.

In Japan, we usually use ○(circle)instead of ✔.
✔ means:
I've checked.
I've read the word/phrase/sentence in an important paper or have read them and agree.
However it could also mean: Your answer is incorrect.(people usually write ✔ on your answer and it's not exactly ✔ in this case.)

I sometimes see the same mistakes in this site, like this "2年間前" , you have to write "2年前".

I'll give you an example.

Please note: My opinion might be wrong. If someone tells me their opinion, I could change my opinion. lol









