



What would you do?

I'm sorry it's such a long entry.

I'm thinking about whether I should correct these sentences or not.
I'll show you four examples.

<A-1>: 日本の首都は東京です。(Tokyo is the capital of Japan.)
<A-2>: 日本の首都は大阪です。(Osaka is the capital of Japan.)
I'm sorry I can't think of a good example.
<A-1> and <A-2> are grammatically correct, but for <A-2>, the knowledge is wrong.
(I would correct it)

(I went to the supermarket near my house yesterday, but the bookstore was closed.)

Each sentence is correct, but the structure of the two sentences is weird and the context is  strange.

私の友達は、日本語を書きません。(My friend doesn't write in Japanese)

This sentence is a part of an entry.
Some Japanese people don't correct it, but I corrected it like this "書けません"
When I read the whole entry, I noticed that his/her friend was not Japanese who has never lived in Japan and has never studied Japanese.
"書きません" means "He/She doesn't write in Japanese, but it has a nuance that write in Japanese."
"私の友達は、日本語を書けません" means "My friend can't write in Japanese".

<D-1>: 「私の名前は、村上です。」
<D-2>: 「私の名前は、村上だ。」
<D-3>: 「俺(おれ)の名前は、村上です。」
<D-4>: 「俺(おれ)の名前は、村上だ。」
All of the sentences mean "I'm Murakami/My name is Murakami."

Sometimes I see a text conversation or a story you make like a fairy tale.
You often change the first person or the end of a sentence in a conversation and a story.

I wrote about the first person before.↓


The character depends on the first person and end of the sentence pronoun in Japanese.
If you change them in the sentence like this ↓, I would be confused.

「俺の名前は村上で、実は、魔女です。」(I'm Murakami, and in fact, I'm a witch.)
When I finished reading, I would be confused.
I'm not sure whether the person is a male or a female.
Some females could use "俺" in an anime and a real world, but almost all females don't use it.(I never seen a woman/a girl using "俺" in a real world)
The person might turn into the other gender because the person is a witch.
Uh...I'm not sure.

What I want to say is that each sentence is correct, so some Lang-8 members don't correct it sometimes, but it might be wrong for these reasons.

What would you correct if the sentence is grammatically correct, but when you think that it's might wrong for some reason?