




How to use ~ようです、~そうです、~みたいですCan you use these phrases depending on the situation?(A)~ようです/ようだ(B)~そうです/~そうだ。(C)~みたいです/みたいだI often think that you can write the right Japanese, but it doesn't go …


You Couldn't Write?Have you used the phrases "書かなかった" and "書けなかった"?Can you tell what the difference is between 書かなかった(~しなかった) and 書けなかった(~できなかった)?書かなかった means that I didn't write.書けなかった …


Which Do You Think Is Better?(A)私は、コーヒーを、廊下に設置した自動販売機で買った。(B)私は、コーヒーを、廊下に設置された自動販売機で買った。廊下:(ろうか)自動販売機:(じどうはんばいき)Actually, they are right, but there's nuance of di…


If I'd read this Japanese sentence パソコンの仕事です , I'd ask you "What do you do?”You usually write a couple of sentences in addition to the above mentioned sentence, so I can understand what you want to say, but if you write only this …


It Is Not Showed.Have you ever seen this phrase in Japanese "示されている"?I read a sentence used "示されている" in Japanese, but I felt that it sounded strange sometimes.I think you need to write in other words like "表示されている/書かれ…


嬉しいでした(うれしいでした)/悲しいでした(かなしいでした)/かわいいでした.I often see these sentences that people studying Japanese write. We never say 嬉しいでした/悲しいでした/かわいいでした.(Actually, I knew some Japanese people in s…


What would you do?I'm sorry it's such a long entry.I'm thinking about whether I should correct these sentences or not.I'll show you four examples.<A-1>: 日本の首都は東京です。(Tokyo is the capital of Japan.)<A-2>: 日本の首都は大阪です。(Osaka is the</a-2></a-1>…


Have you seen these phrases anywhere?(1)清掃中(せいそうちゅう)です。ご協力お願いします。(2)コイの餌1(えさ)0円。(3)嘘(うそ)をつけ/馬鹿(ばか)をいうな。I came across an interesting article on a website yesterday.In Japan, (1) and (2) us…


Is Japanese so difficult often?Today, I watched a Japanese speech contest on youtube.A woman freigner had been speaking in Japanese.She has studied Japanese for three years in university and came to Japan.I’m not sure where she was from.Sh…


The place we put a punctuation in the sentence change the meaning.Please read the following sentence.ここではきものをぬいでください。Can you understand the meaning of the sentence?I don't know the meaning of the sentence because there is n…

(12)します。と しています。

The same mistakes.~します/~していますI want to tell you about the difference of between "~します" and "しています", but I've already known I find it difficult to explain it to you.When I correct your Japanese, I often see the same mista…