



The difference between 仕事, 会社, 職場 and仕事場

Each word represents "a job", "a company" or "a place where you work".

(A): I go to work=
(A-1) 仕事に/へ行きます。
(A-2) 会社に/へ行きます。
(A-3) 職場/仕事場に/へ行きます。
These three phrases are good.
Usually, when we say "I go to work" in Japanese, we use (A-1) or (A-2).

(B): I work for =
(B-1) 私の仕事は医者です。
(B-2) 私の会社は医者です。(This is wrong)
(B-3) 私の職場は医者です。(This is wrong)
You can also say "私は医者として働いています".

(C): My company is located in Tokyo.=
(C-1) 私の仕事は東京にあります。(This is wrong)
(C-2) 私の会社は東京にあります。
(C-3) 私の職場/仕事場は東京にあります。

We often use 職場/仕事場 when we are talking about our department/division.

In this case, we talking about room or floor. (Not about the building)
I think a lot of Japanese people use "部署" in this situation.