



I sometimes get to read some Japanese senteces that people from different countries write.

<Is Japanese so difficult?>

I'm Japanese, but sometimes it's difficult for me to correct Japanese that people from different countries wrote and I'm not sure if I should correct it or not.


They sometime post dialogue text in Japanese and give me two or three pieces of information about the characters like this.↓





(A-1) 太郎:おはよう、けい子。元気ですか?



These sentences are a part of entry.

These sentences are good.

I wouldn't correct them until A-3, but while I read the rest, I get another information, like Taro is the CEO and Keiko is a employee.


When I read the information, It makes me to change my mind, because I wouldn't say "おはよう" and 太郎(the first name) to the president(at A-2) and wouldn't say "うん" at A-3.

I would say "おはようございます".

Actually, that's a tough one, because if Taroさん and けい子さん have been friends for a long time, my opinion might be wrong.



I'll tell you another example.








I'm not sure if I should correct 僕 at B-2 or not, because けい子 is a girl/woman.

In Japan, hardly any Japanese girl/woman would use "僕", but some characters in anime use it. If you post this as an anime, I wouldn't correct it, but if you post it as real life, I would correct it.



What I want to say is:

When you write an entry like these, please give me as much information as you can.


I want to know the characters' age, gender, friendship status, etc.

human being?, characters in anime? story? or fairy tale?


My corrections depend on the situation.